Steering committe

Rémy Slama
is a research director at Inserm. He is the co-scientific investigator of the SEPAGES couple-child cohort. In the SEPAGES cohort, he is in charge of the scientific projects related to growth, cardiac health, microbiota, transcriptome and exposome.

Claire Philippat
is a researcher at Inserm. She is the co-scientific investigator of the SEPAGES couple-child cohort. In the SEPAGES cohort, she is in charge of the scientific projects related to chemical pollutant and child neuro-development.

Valérie Siroux
is a research director at Inserm. In the SEPAGES cohort, she is in charge of the scientific projects related to respiratory health of the child and immunological parameters.

Johanna Lepeule
is a researcher at Inserm. In the SEPAGES cohort, she is in charge of the scientific projects related to air pollution, temperature and DNA methylation.

Sarah Lyon-Caen
is a research engineer at Inserm. She is in charge of coordinating the SEPAGES cohort and leads the field work team in charge of collecting data.

Joane Quentin
is a clinical research associate at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital Center. She is in charge of the of volunteers follow-up and she coordinates the clinical protocol of the study.

Pr Sam Bayat
is a respirologist and professor at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital Center. He is the principal investigator of the SEPAGES couple-child cohort. In particular, Sam Bayat initiating the protocol allowing to have respiratory measure at three years.

Marion Ouidir
is a researcher at Inserm. In the SEPAGES cohort, she is in charge of the scientific project related to cardio-metbaloic of the child and and the mother and air pollution»

Dr Isabelle Pin
was pediatric respirologist at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital Center. She was the principal investigator of the SEPAGES couple-child cohort until 2022. In particular, Isabelle Pin initiating the protocol allowing to have respiratory measure at two months.
The current team in charge of
data collection and management.

Yoann Gioria
is a clinical research associate at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital Center. Since 2016, he has been in charge of the volunteer’s follow-up. He is in charge of the clinical exams and the home visits.

Maïlys Barabgello
is an Engineering Assistant at Inserm. Since 2019, she has been in charge of preparing the materials for the week of measurements, sending mails and contacting the volunteers.

Karine Supernant
is a study engineering at Inserm. She is in charge of the SEPAGES database management.

Anne Boudier
is a study engineering at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital Center. She is in charge of the SEPAGES database management.

Joane Quentin
is a clinical research associate at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital Center. She is in charge of the of volunteers follow-up and she coordinates the clinical protocol of the study.

Malorie Graça
is an Engineering Assistant at Inserm. She is in charge of the day-to-day management: preparing materials, sending mails, contacting volunteers, ordering etc. from 2015 to 2018 and in 2023.

Audrey Guerrache-Siebert
is a clinical research associate at Inserm. Since 2023, she has been in charge of the volunteer’s follow-up. Sge is in charge of the clinical exams and the home visits.
They worked with us in the fieldwork team

Assia Benlakhryfa
Clinical research associatewas in charge of volunteers’ follow-up from 2015 to 2018.

Laura Borges
Clinical research associatewas in charge of volunteers’ follow-up of SEPAGES feasibility study and the first volunteers of Sepages from 2013 to 2015.

Amandine Bossant
Neuropsychologistwas in charge of conducting the psychologist exam at the three-year follow-up from 2020 to 2021.

Estelle Charvet
Mid-wifewas in charge of volunteers’ follow-up from 2015 to 2018.

Justine Giraud
Nursewas in charge of volunteers’ follow-up from 2014 to 2015.

Karen Gridel
Fieldwrokerwas in charge of recruiting the volunteers in the study from 2014 to 2017.

Karine Guichardet
NeuropsychologistCoordinated and conducted the psychologist exam at the three-year follow-up.

Jean-Tiphaine Iltis
Neuropsychologistwas in charge of conducting the psychologist exam at the three-year follow-up from 2019 to 2020.

Anaëlle Levanic
Neuropsychologistwas in charge of conducting the psychologist exam at the three-year follow-up from 2018 to 2021.

Muriel Marceau
Nursewas in charge of volunteers’ follow-up from 2015 to 2018.

Marie-Pierre Martin
Nursewas in charge of the measure of the newborn lung function from 2015 to 2018.

Clémence Pelini
Fieldworkerwas in charge of volunteers’ follow-up from 2015 to 2018.

Aurélie Putod
Mid-wifewas in charge of volunteers’ follow-up from 2014 to 2015.

Elisabeth Quintero
Neuropsychologistwas in charge of conducting the psychologist exam at the three-year follow-up from 2018 to 2020.

Sandy Raffin
Neuropsychologistwas in charge of conducting the psychologist exam at the three-year follow-up and the volunteers’ follow-up in 2019.
Scientific partners

Nicole Le Moual
is an epidemiologist and a research engineer at Inserm. In the SEPAGES cohort, she is in charge of projects on household exposure and respiratory health.

Dr Sabine Plancoulaine
is a researcher at Inserm. In the SEPAGES cohort, she is in charge of projects on sleep.

Raphaëlle Varraso
is a researcher at Inserm. In the SEPAGES cohort, she is in charge of projects on nutrition.

Gaëlle Uzu
is a research director at IRD. In the SEPAGES cohort, she is in charge of projects on oxidative potential of particulate matter.

Dr Hullo Eglantine
is a pediatric respirologist at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital Center. She is co-investigator of the SEPAGES couple-child cohort.

Dr Llerena Catherine
is pediatric respirologist at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital Center. She is a co-investigator of the SEPAGES couple-child cohort.
Engineers, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers who are currently
working or who worked on data from the SEPAGES cohort

Cécile Tassel
is conducting a thesis in the team of environmental epidemiology and the team of Atmospheric chemistry at the Institut des Géoscience de l’environnement. She works on the impact of sources and oxidative potential on respiratory health. Her on-going thesis is entitled: “Understanding the role of atmospheric particles in health: impact of particle sources and oxidative potential on respiratory health.”

Nicolas Jovanovic
is currently a PhD student in the team of environmental epidemiology. Nicolas works on the effect of phenols and phtalates on placenat health in the Sepages cohort. . His on-going thesis is entitled : : « Prenatal exposures to endocrine disruptors: effects on placental function and development of guidelines to help women reduce their exposures. »

Aline Davias
is currently a PhD student in the team of environmental epidemiology. Aline works on the impact of chemical pollutant on the microbiote and the effect of the microbiote in the child neuro-development in the SEPAGES cohort. Her on-going thesis is entitled “Environmental exposures, gut microbiota and neurodevelopment”

Mihyeon Kim
is currently a PhD student in the EArly life Research on later Health Team (EARoH) . Mihyeon works on sleep trajectory in parents and children in the SEPAGES cohort. Her on-going thesis is entitled «Sleep characteristics and their interrelations in the SEPAGES birth-cohort families».

Lucie Adelaide
is currently a PhD student in the team of environmental epidemiology. Lucie works on perinatal health in several French cohort including SEPAGES. Her on-going thesis is entitled “Combined effects of temperature, urban environment and social inequalities on perinatal outcomes in the context of adaptation to climate change”.

Lucile Broséus
is doing a post-doctoral fellowship in the team of environmental epidemiology. In the framework of her research she works on data on atmospheric pollution and placental DNA methylation in the SEPAGES cohort.

Lucille Borlaza
a worked as a post-doctorale fellowship in the team of environmental epidemiology and the team of Atmospheric chemistry at the Institut des Géoscience de environment. Lucille worked on oxidative potential of particulate matter from the filters of the device MicroPem worn by the participants and the impact of the oxidative potential.

Annabelle Bédard
is doing a post-doctorale fellowship in the team of integrative respiratory epidemiology. Annabelle works, with Raphaëlle Varaso, on nutrition and respiratory data in the Sepages Cohort.

Maximilien Génard-Walton
is doing a post-doctorale fellowship in the team of environmental epidemiology. He works on the effect of extreme temperature on child helath.

Ariane Guilbert
is a research engineer in the team of environmental epidemiology. In the Sepages cohort, she works chemical pollutants, geolocalisation and the child neuro-development. She also did her master internship in the team. Her master thesis was entitled «Prenatal exposure to non-persistent endocrine disruptors and child behavior in the SEPAGES cohort».

Matthieu Rolland
is a research engineer in the team of environmental epidemiology. In the Sepages cohort, he works on data on chemical pollutants, fetal growth and neuro-development.

Emie Seyve
is a research engineer in the team of environmental epidemiology where she works on atmospheric pollutants and meteorological (temperature, humidity etc.) data. In the Sepages cohort, she works on geocoding the home address and meteorological condition from exposure model.

Ophélie Coiffier
was a research engineer in the team of environmental epidemiology. In the Sepages cohort, she worked on the impact of chemical pollutants on respiratory health.

Anouk Marsal
did her thesis in the team of environmental epidemiology and the team of Atmospheric chemistry at the Institut des Géoscience de l’environnement that she defened in 2023. Anouk worked on oxidative potential of particulate matter from the filters of the device MicrPem worn by the participants and the impact of the oxidative potential on the respiratory health of the child.

Ian Hough
did his thesis in the team of environmental epidemiology that he defended in 2021. In the framework of his thesis he worked on temperature data and perinatal birth in the SEPAGES cohort. His thesis is entitled « Temperature, Air Pollution, and Perinatal Health in the Context of Climate Change : Exposure and Impacts in Sensitive Populations ».

Pierre Lemire
did his thesis in the Inserm team of integrative respiratory epidemiology. In the framework of his thesis, he worked on the data from SEPAGES on domestic household and respiratory health. His thesis is entitled «Household exposure to cleaning products and respiratory health».

Solène Cadiou
did her thesis in the team of environmental epidemiology that she defended in 2020. In the framework of her thesis she worked ondata on exposome and DNA methylation in SEPAGES. Her thesis is entitled: «Using dna-methylation to inform the exposome-health relations»

Dorothy Nakiwala
did her thesis in the team of environmental epidemiology that she defended in 2020. In the framework of her thesis she worked on chemical data and the role of thyroid hormones in Sepages. Her thesis is entitled «Prenatal exposure to phenols and phthalates, child neurodevelopment and the role of the thyroid hormones».

Céline Vernet
did her thesis in the team of environmental epidemiology that she defended in 2018. In the framework of her thesis she worked on nonpersistent endocrine disruptors data in Sepages. Her thesis is entitled “Exposure to nonpersistent endocrine disruptors during pregnancy using biomarkers of exposure: Within-subject variability and effects on respiratory health in the offspring».

Stephan Gabet
worked as a post-doctorate in the team of environmental epidemiology from 2017 until 2021. In the framework of his research he worked on data on atmospheric pollution and maternal DNA.

Paulina Jadynak
worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the team of environmental epidemiology from 2018 until 2022. In her work she focused on chemical exposures and fœtal growth as well as placental DNA methylation in the SEPAGES cohort.